Brand loyalty can and should disappear when consumer needs change, but the product doesn't......................

football betting tips -
Many sports bettors will have withdrawn funds from their betting account(s) during the lockdown and the likelihood is that once sport restarts. that they will go back to those same bookmakers and re-deposit.
That is human nature, it is a kind of perverse brand loyalty and most of us take the easy route in life and go with what is familiar, but probably would not deposit money into a bank paying 0.5 % interest when another big name institution was offering 2% and it should be the same when searching for the best betting option(s).

Better rested or better prepared ?

football betting tips -
Rest up and prepare for an opportunity :
Sports have very different schedules from each other and athletes prepare in varying ways to peak on game/match/event day.
We often discuss the benefits of having an extra day or more to prepare for games and I would like to look at the advantages of that and how the time could be used , some of which might be unconsidered or under valued by bettors.
