Betting tip #2
Apr 27, 2021

The importance of a betting bank and the misconception around "discipline" .
A betting bank just means the amount you have to bet, that you can afford to lose if the worst happens, gambling should be fun and you can make money from it and one or two of you reading these notes might even end up full time professional bettors, but any of us can lose and at this early stage, it is more important to be making correct decisions and by following these basic guidelines in the "clubgowi betting tips" we can eliminate many of the common mistakes.
A "bank" is very important, if you have a total bank of 1,000 euros for example, I would suggest you split it up and maybe deposit 250-300 to start with, that way you can reload if necessary, you might never need to, but hopefully , if you do, you will have learned something and week on week you should aim to be a better and more informed punter. I would normally suggest not betting more than 1% or 2% of your total bank on any single game, that is fine if you have a massive bank, but let's be realistic, with a deposit of circa 250-300 euros the likelihood is that we are more likely to want to bet in the 4% range, that gives you 25 bets and is fine to begin with.
The idea of a bank is to ride out the variance which always comes with betting, if you are well funded, you can ride out a losing sequence. Even a long term winning bettor will have losing runs and even in a year when he or she makes a good profit, there are still likely to be a losing month or two. It is never a smooth ride, but those who sit out the full journey are not always the most talented but most often the more disciplined.
Discipline is a funny thing, some "pros" say they bet infrequently and only when everything is in their favour, but it takes a brave and disciplined character to sit out a lengthy losing run if you are betting 5 games per month. My own opinion is that you should bet every time you find value and have an edge, if that is 100+ bets per week then so be it. If that edge makes you 2% profit across those 100 bets, you will make more than six times more profit per year than someone with 14% profit on 10 bets per month. I am not suggesting you start by betting at that frequency, or ever do that, just showing that you can do well even with a low profit percentage as long as you are always taking a "good" value price.
In my opinion "value" should always be taken, it is a simple concept, but one which even some people who consider themselves experienced bettors cannot, or refuse to, grasp. Basically if you know the "true" odds for something and can get higher, then bet, if odds are lower, avoid it. That's it, if someone offers you 2.0 heads and 2.0 tails on a coin flip there is no value, but if odds are 1.95 heads and 2.05 tails, you should bet and will win eventually by betting on tails , but you could lose the first 10-20 flips. Oh and if someone offers you that, just check out the coin first, there is almost certainly something wrong with it ! That is the basis of value and I admit it is harder to calculate in sport than with a coin flip but we will cover that on another occasion.
Good luck !