Midweek update ........
Apr 06, 2022
Since updating the free to view content results last Thursday , there have been three match previews posted on the website,all several hours before kick off and each won at odds of 2.18 + (Bundesliga, Ligue 1, UEFA Champions League).
I am not sure how long that can continue, +56% ROI for asian lines this year , even for a relatively small sample size is totally unsustainable, but the FTV content is only meant as that, a sample of what appears in the daily emails.
We are now entering the time of year we tend to do best, we had a big 95-1 winner (single) last April and it is really the only period when we put up multiple bets, as the end of the European football leagues lends itself to that and hopefully we can land some bumper payouts in the coming weeks.
If you signed up via one of the 16th birthday offers, you will have all of those delivered directly to your inbox, but if not, continue to check back here, who knows, one or two might find their way onto the clubgowi website.
Good luck !