3,589 days in the life of a blogger ...........

In two months time I will be celebrating ten years online, first as the GOWI ( Gambling and Other Wholesome Interests) blog and the last three as clubgowi. That is a long time whichever way you look at it, but an absolute lifetime on the internet,where the average lifespan of a blog is still less than one month ( !) and for those related to sports betting, it is probably even less. The reasons are manifold....... people are too lazy, have unrealistic expectations, limited talent or real passion for the subject , or a combination of all of those, as you can probably tell, I do not have a lot of sympathy, whatever you do in life, the one thing you have to have IMO is a good work ethic ,few people will succeed without it and too many do not have one ! People start to write about sport/betting, scribble down a few unoriginal lines, if they tip a winner, they expect to get rich overnight, if they give a couple of losing selections, they give up.  How many blogs have you seen where the writer promises to post something tomorrow and two weeks later writes down a line or two saying he has been "busy", but is now going to post daily and then he doesn't put anything online for six months or more ! I must have come across a thousand of those !

A thick skin helps too, as there are always people out there with an "agenda", my ten years of free to view results are sensational (the best in the world ......ever ?), sorry, there is no point being modest ! Anyone who has been with the newsletter service for all three years should have made 500+ points profit and as we all surely know, the service is about far more than basic results and still I will get some criticism ( almost never by long term subscribers), so goodness knows what flak lesser services (which means all of them) must get ! Just in case your maths is bad, 500 points @ 60€ would equate to 30,000€ + and if I had receved those notes for three years (written by someone else), I would have been able to use them to make much more (points wise) than that. I am writing day in, day out, rain or shine, Championship or J-League and of course there will be blips and losing periods as you will see from the graph below, which relates to the last eight months. but look at the starting and finishing position and then then think of the quality previews that subscribers have read between those two points (you have seen plenty of samples in the last week or two) and you will have some idea of what a clubgowi subscription brings to the party !


Good Luck.



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